
Scientific Name
Sturnus vulgaris
Also Known As
European Starling, Common Starling
All of Florida
Insects, Fruits, Grains
Life Expectancy
2 - 22 Years

Photo 7190076 © nbperez, CC BY-NC

Starlings conservation status - Invasive

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European Starlings in Central Florida

The European starling (Sturnus vulgaris) is an abundant bird species that thrives in urban and agricultural environments of central Florida. Often considered a nuisance, starlings are identified by their dark plumage marked by light speckles. Read on to learn starling identification tips, biology facts, and control methods for starlings in central Florida.

Appearance and Identification

Starlings can be identified at juvenile and adult stages by their distinct physical characteristics

Adult Starling

Adult Starlings

  • Size: Adults reach about 8.5 inches (22 cm) long and weigh 2.1 to 3.4 ounces (60 to 96 grams).
  • Plumage: Adults have glossy black plumage with light speckles that appear as white dots during flight. The base of feathers is light brown.
  • Bill: Yellow during breeding season and darker in winter.
  • Eyes: Brown.
  • Legs and feet: Yellow to reddish-brown.
  • Wingspan: 12.6 to 15.8 inches (32 to 40 cm).
Juvenile Starling

Juvenile Starlings