Southern Flying Squirrel
- Scientific Name
- Glaucomys volans
- Also Known As
- Mexican Flying Squirrel, Assapan
- Range
- All of Florida, except the Keys
- Diet
- Nuts, Flowers, Eggs, Trees, Bird Seed
- Life Expectancy
- 3 Years
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Southern Flying Squirrels in Central Florida
The southern flying squirrel (Glaucomys volans) is a small, agile rodent adapted to arboreal life in central Florida’s subtropical forests and urban areas.
Often confused with the larger northern flying squirrel (Glaucomys sabrinus), southern flying squirrels can be identified by key physical characteristics, behaviors, and habitat preferences. This guide covers identification tips, biology, potential health risks, and prevention methods for southern flying squirrel issues.
Appearance and Identification
Southern flying squirrels have distinguishing features at both juvenile and adult life stages
Compared to tree squirrels, southern flying squirrels have smaller bodies, looser skin for gliding membranes, flattened tails, and larger eyes and ears. The northern flying squirrel is larger with rusty brown fur and is confined to northern Florida.
Maturation Rate
Southern flying squirrel neonates develop rapidly into adept, independent gliders within 2 months after birth. They quickly learn skills like food foraging, predator avoidance, nest building, and social integration from their mother and colony members. With Florida’s abundant resources, juveniles can breed in their first year.
Habits and Behavior
Southern flying squirrels are nocturnal and most active 2-3 hours after sunset. They spend days sleeping in tree cavities or leaf nests called dreys. At night, flying squirrels glide between trees to forage. With legs outstretched, they can steer and glide up to 150 feet between launches. On the ground, they shuffle with an awkward, wobbling gait.
Southern flying squirrels emit bird-like twitters and nest in colonies of up to 50, often with pine snakes and red-cockaded woodpeckers. They are drawn to bird feeders at night and can squeeze into houses through small openings. Females are territorial, but male home ranges overlap more.