Fish Crow

Scientific Name
Corvus ossifragus
Also Known As
Fish Crow
All of Florida Except in the Southwest
Crustaceans, Fish, Eggs, Grains, Fruit
Life Expectancy
7 - 10 Years
The Fish Crow

Photo 89557275 © keyojimbo, CC BY-NC

Fish Crow conservation status - Least Concern

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The Fish Crow in Central Florida

The fish crow (Corvus ossifragus) is a highly adaptable corvid species found throughout the southeastern United States. As an omnivorous generalist, the fish crow thrives in close proximity to humans across a variety of altered habitats.

This guide provides a comprehensive overview of fish crow biology, behavior, ideal conditions, and management strategies specific to Central Florida.

Appearance and Identification

Fish crows can be distinguished from the near-identical American crow (Corvus brachyrhynchos) based on size, voice, and subtle physical differences

Adult Fish Crow

Photo 200480775 © Michael E Drummond, CC BY-NC

Adult Fish Crows

  • Size: Fish crows reach around 17 inches (43 cm) long with a 33 inch (84 cm) wingspan. Weight ranges from 11.2-21.4 oz (316-606 g).
  • Plumage: Adults display all-black plumage with violet and green iridescence on the wings, tail, and back. The throat hackles appear looser than the American crow.
  • Bill: Shorter and more rounded bill compared to American crows.
  • Legs: Pinkish legs and eye ring.
  • Voice: Nasal “ah-ah” calls and descending “uh, uh” notes.
Juvenile Fish Crow

Juvenile Fish Crows

  • Size: Hatchlings are altricial, weighing around 2.5 oz (71 g) at birth with closed eyes and minimal down feathers. They fledge at around 5 weeks old.
  • Plumage: Juveniles have sooty black plumage overall. The neck and head feathers have a brownish cast.
  • Legs: Pink skin on legs and eye ring.
  • Voice: Higher pitched “eh-ah” begging vocalizations.

Maturation Rate

Fish crow chicks are altricial at hatching but grow rapidly, attaining flight feathers by 3-4 weeks old. They become independent of parental care around 35-45 days after leaving the nest but remain socially associated. Sexual maturity occurs at 2 years old.