Eastern Indigo Snake

Scientific Name
Drymarchon couperi
Also Known As
Blue Indigo Snake
Most of Florida
Small Mammals, Birds, Reptiles, Insects
Life Expectancy
Over 15 Years
The Eastern Indigo Snake

Photo 220175774 © John Serrao, CC BY-NC

Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake conservation status - Vulnerable

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This Snake is Not Venomous


Eastern Indigo Snakes in Central Florida

The eastern indigo snake (Drymarchon couperi) is a large, nonvenomous colubrid snake found in the southeastern United States, with a significant population in central Florida. As opportunistic apex predators, eastern indigo snakes play an important role in these ecosystems.

This guide provides identification tips, biology facts, and conservation efforts for the eastern indigo snake in central Florida.

Appearance and Identification

Eastern indigo snakes can be identified by their glossy, blue-black coloration and large size