Corn Snake

Scientific Name
Pantherophis guttatus
Also Known As
Red Cornsnake, Eastern Corn snake
All of Florida
Small Mammals, Birds, Eggs
Life Expectancy
15 - 20 Years
The Corn Snake
Corn Snake conservation status - Least Concern

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This Snake is Not Venomous

Corn Snakes in Central Florida

The corn snake (Pantherophis guttatus) is a docile, attractive serpent that thrives in the warm environments of central Florida. This colubrid species is appreciated by reptile enthusiasts for its calm temperament and attractive patterns. Corn snakes are also one of the most popular pet snakes kept in captivity.

This guide provides identification tips, biology facts, ideal habitat conditions, common health risks, and prevention methods for corn snakes in central Florida.

Appearance and Identification

Corn snakes can be identified by their slender build, keeled scales, and distinctive patterning