Brown Water Snake

Scientific Name
Nerodia taxispilota
Also Known As
Brown Watersnake
All of Florida
Fish, Frogs, Crustaceans, Worms
Life Expectancy
9 Years
The Brown Watersnake
Eastern Coral Snake conservation status - Least Concern

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This Snake is Not Venomous

Brown Water Snakes in Central Florida

The brown water snake (Nerodia taxispilota) is a non-venomous colubrid species found throughout the southeastern United States. As their name suggests, brown water snakes thrive in aquatic environments like the wetlands, swamps, and rivers of central Florida.

This guide provides identification tips, biology facts, and information on brown water snake habits, diet, reproduction, health risks, and prevention methods if encountered near residential areas.

Appearance and Identification

Brown water snakes can be identified by the following juvenile and adult characteristics