Beaver Removal and Control in Florida

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Protect Your Property Expert Beaver Removal Services in Florida

Beavers are industrious wetland animals, but their tree-cutting, dam building, and chewing habits can cause extensive property damage. Flooding, compromised foundations, destroyed landscaping, and felled trees are just some of the problems beavers can create. If you suspect beaver activity on your Florida property, take prompt action before the issues escalate.

At Florida Wildlife Trappers, our licensed specialists offer safe and humane beaver removal services to eliminate nuisance colonies and prevent recurring problems. We have over 10 years of experience trapping beavers and can restore your property after damage occurs.

Give Us a Call At 407-617-1193

A lone beaver near a Florida property, Showing the need for beaver removal
Beaver Damage showing the need for beaver trapping and beaver removal

Our Process for Beaver Removal and Control

To fully eliminate an entrenched beaver colony, we use specialized trapping techniques and target the entire group:

  • Thorough property inspection to locate all dens, dams, lodges and signs of activity. We can determine how many beavers have moved in.
  • Setting appropriate live traps or conibear traps around dens, feeding areas, canal entrances and dams. Traps are checked at least once daily.
  • Safe removal and humane euthanization of trapped nuisance beavers offsite. As destructive wildlife, beavers cannot legally be relocated and released elsewhere.
  • Sealing up any abandoned dens and burrows with wire mesh to prevent surviving beavers or new colonies from re-inhabiting them.
  • Full cleanup and repair of any flooding damage, compromised trees/plants, or structural damage caused by the beaver activity. We can remove debris and make necessary repairs.
  • Dam demolition or removal with proper permits to restore normal water flow on your property. We demolish abandoned dams once the beavers are gone.

With our strategic trapping protocols and wildlife expertise, we can completely remove your beaver colony within 2-4 weeks typically. Our methods are humane and target the entire group.

Signs Indicating Beavers on Your Land

Look for these common signs of active beaver colonies on your property:

  • Neatly chewed tree stumps and felled saplings – Beavers cut down trees and saplings to build dams and lodges using the wood. The remaining stumps will show angled teeth marks.
  • Branches, logs and debris dragged to ponds or streams – Beavers float cut trees and branches to construct their dams and lodges. You may see trails of wood debris leading right to the water’s edge.
  • Dammed streams, drainage ditches, ponds or canals – Beavers build dams from sticks, logs, rocks and mud to manipulate water levels. But this can lead to upstream flooding, damage to docks, and drainage issues.
Beaver Damage showcasing the need for beaver control and trapping
A beaver den showing the need for Beaver Removal
  • Burrows and dens dug into creek banks or shorelines – Beavers excavate chambers in the muddy banks to create their cone-shaped lodges and dens. Look for holes leading into the water.
  • Canals connecting lodges with food sources – Beavers dig out long canals from their central lodge to make access easier to feeding areas. The canal allows them to float food back safely.

If you notice any of these issues on your property, act quickly to have the beavers humanely removed before structural damage occurs.

Potential Health Hazards from Skunks

While skunks themselves do not directly transmit rabies to humans, they are a major carrier of the disease in the wild. If you are sprayed by or have any physical contact with a skunk, it’s vital to capture the animal for rabies testing if possible.

Skunk droppings contain parasites including roundworms, tapeworms, and rat lungworm which can cause illness in humans. coming into contact with skunk feces should be avoided, and any that is found should be promptly cleaned up while wearing gloves and a face mask.

Skunk spray also contains chemical irritants that can cause respiratory issues or burning eyes. Ventilate affected areas thoroughly and use protective equipment when cleaning.

Preventing Future Beaver Problems

To help discourage beavers from returning after removal, we recommend

  • Installing protective wire mesh wraps around any vulnerable trees near water sources. This prevents beavers from chewing on the trunks and felling trees.
  • Using fences, grates or other barriers across culverts, drainage pipes and canals. This makes it harder for beavers to dam inlets and restrict water flow.
  • Maintaining proper water flow levels and avoiding stagnant ponding. Poor drainage and standing water can attract beaver colonies looking to build dams.
  • Checking for any signs of new activity and contacting us immediately if found. Prompt re-trapping prevents new colonies from establishing and causing damage.

With diligent monitoring and exclusion techniques, we can help prevent recurrent beaver issues on your land. Contact us today to learn more about our removal and prevention programs.

Why Choose Florida Wildlife Trappers?

  • Over 10 years of beaver trapping experience and expertise in Florida
  • Licensed and insured for humane wildlife control
  • Use strategic trapping methods to target entire colonies
  • Provide full repair services for any property damage
  • Specialize in prevention and exclusion tactics
  • Offer lifetime warranties on cleanup and restoration services
Wildlife Removal Technician

If you need professional beaver removal or control on your Florida property, call Florida Wildlife Trappers today for a free estimate. We humanely eliminate nuisance beavers and prevent future colonies from moving in. Let our specialists protect your land, trees, and structures from beaver damage.

Give Us a Call At 407-617-1193